Spectos Customer Success Stories

Our clients trust us to implement tailor-made solutions to measure and manage their business performance and service quality. We have successful projects with clients in a wide range of industries.

Kunde XY

Über VINCORION VINCORION ist eine Marke des Technologiekonzerns Jenoptik. Mit über 775 Mitarbeitern in Deutschland, den USA und Asien schreibt das Unternehmen seit nunmehr 60 Jahren Unternehmensgeschichte. VINCORION ist spezialisiert auf mechatronische Lösungen und Produkte sowie die damit verbundenen Dienstleistungen. Dabei umfasst …

AOK Plus

With over 3 million insurance members across the German states of Saxony and Thuringia, AOK Plus was the creation of a merger between two of Germany’s biggest health insurers. Since 2008, one in two people in Saxony and Thuringia call …

Swiss Post

Swiss Post is Switzerland’s national postal company and one of the country’s leading logistics and financial services providers. With subsidiaries such as Swiss Post Ltd, PostFinance Ltd and PostBus Ltd, it operates as a conglomerate in the communications, logistics, retail …


Development of solutions for performance monitoring and service quality optimization since 2012 “For Samsung, maximum customer satisfaction with products and services is a top priority. As a long-standing business partner, we have been supporting Samsung with customized solutions to optimize …

platform X

platform X supports publishers and content providers in promoting their content and expanding their audience reach. The full-service provider summarizes its core competencies under the areas of Data-Driven Marketing, Fulfillment Services and Digital Services, which are reflected in a wide range …


WIRmachenDRUCK is one of the leading online print shops in Europe with its two online shops www.wir-machen-druck.de and www.wir-machen-druck.ch. The company was founded in 2008. It started with 14 employees and only a small product assortment, and grew within 10 years to a global …

Market Research for Public Transportation at DVB AG

DVB (Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG) is responsible for providing public transportation in Dresden and surrounding communities. On normal weekdays, the DVB handles on average 600 thousand passengers who use its trams, buses, railways and even ferries. DVB thus contributes to relieving …


With more than 135 million riders, passenger feedback management is of key importance to DSW21 (Dortmunder Stadtwerke AG). DSW21 is a large infrastructure and public transportation provider in Dortmund, Germany, and surrounding areas. The core of the organization’s work lies in ÖPNV (local …

Vietjet Air

Vietjet Air is an international new-age airline based in Hanoi, Vietnam. It is the first privately owned airline to be established in Vietnam. The airline’s goal is to make air transport more popular in Vietnam, the region and worldwide. True to its motto …

Kunde XY

Über VINCORION VINCORION ist eine Marke des Technologiekonzerns Jenoptik. Mit über 775 Mitarbeitern in Deutschland, den USA und Asien schreibt das Unternehmen seit nunmehr 60 Jahren Unternehmensgeschichte. VINCORION ist spezialisiert auf mechatronische Lösungen und Produkte sowie die damit verbundenen Dienstleistungen. Dabei umfasst …