Consumers love receiving letters and any kind of shipments. This was made clear not least by the results of the Spectos online surveys E-Commerce Monitor 2021 and Mailbox Monitor 2020. A future without a letterbox? Please not! High online order volumes? Of course!

For online retailers, postal service providers and shippers this means: work, work, work! However, with the top priority being on-time delivery, this is easier said than done. While recipients may only need to walk to their letterbox or front door to get their mail and packages, there are complex logistical processes behind the scenes that make it all possible. For a letter to land on a postal bicycle in Munich, for example, a whole series of upstream processes, such as mail sorting, are required to ensure that the items reach their destination on time. Smart process organization is essential at every point in the supply chain to avoid delays or disruptions.
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Correctly Labelled and Delivered on Time
Efficient and reliable post sorting can be easy – with the right support and process-specific solutions.
In sorting centers, shipment labels are scanned and read automatically with the help of a sorting machine before being directed to their sorting destinations. Should a sorting machine be unable to decipher grandpa’s not-so-legible handwriting on the label, what then? Staff at sorting offices must then manually sort through the otherwise unassignable letters and guide them to their desired destinations. This is a time-consuming undertaking. Depending on the shipment volume, fluctuations in the number of unassignable shipments may vary, therefore requiring the redistribution of staff and ultimately leading to an imbalance of postal workers at other points of the supply chain. The lack of flexibility makes organizing day-to-day work and post-sorting frustrating and stressful as well as running the risk of deliveries not arriving on time. Why then not save yourself the effort of having to sort through all the non-assignable shipments and outsource instead?
Breeze Your Way – the Whole Year Round
Thirteen postal operators, among them Denmark’s Bladkompagniet and Germany’s MEDIA Logistik GmbH l PostModern, have recognized the advantages of outsourcing video coding to third parties. Mail items that cannot be processed by the sorting machines are decoded within minutes by a solution provider such as Spectos. The outsourced digitization service is highly efficient and helps postal service providers achieve scalable processes, which in turn enables a sensible allocation of resources. In addition, outsourced video coding enables a flexible response to dynamic mail volumes, helping, among other things, to make operational processes more profitable and save unnecessary costs. Increasing performance while reducing costs and avoiding capacity constraints would surely make any business owner’s heart skip a beat. So investing in outsourced video coding for reliable post sorting and continuous quality improvement is well worth it! And by the way: Spectos also offers a solution for the digitization of CN labels & customs data collection.
Tip: Watch our Webinar Recording about Outsourcing Video Coding
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