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Postal & Logistics, Spectos

‘A future without letters and mailboxes’

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Niels Delater

Discussions on developments at WMX London 2018

Building Bridges to the Future is the motto of this year’s WMX (World Mail & Express Europe Conference) in London, which takes places from the 11th till 13th of June. Leading representatives of the mail and parcel service industries will meet up to discuss key themes of the sector. Discussions will include future developments and technologies. Spectos GmbH is one of the lead sponsors and participants for this years conference. Niels Delater, CEO of Spectos, is a keynote speaker at WMX London. Along with his speech on innovative technologies such as Live Tracker for the postal and logistics industries he will present the results of an interesting survey conducted through the Spectos Mailagenten panel. This survey was conducted with the goal of asking participants two key questions : What will the mail sector look like in 10 years time? and Can you imagine a future without letters and letterboxes?

The Right Fuel has to be in the Right Engine

Much of the program of WMX consists of keynote speeches, case studies and thorough discussions. Niels will speak in the section ‘Technology: Bridging the Gap’ on Making Big Data Operational, and the overall effectiveness of how big data can be used for the improvement of service quality. Asked about what to expect from his speech, Niels answered that, ‘Data must be properly processed before the engine is running. The right fuel has to be in the right engine’. Make sure to check the WMX agenda for times to not miss the Spectos’ keynote.

The overall highlight for this year is the host city of London. Stephen Clark, Business Developer for Triangle Management Services, the firm which organizes the yearly events adds, ‘London was chosen as a vibrant hub of the logistics industry and against a backdrop of Brexit, felt like a unique opportunity to discuss one of the biggest challenges facing the sector’.

As we etch closer to the opening day, Spectos is looking forward to lively discussions and brave new views for the future of the postal and logistics sector.

Further information :

Niels will give his speech on June 13th at 11:45 am. Please check out the agenda for other topics and speakers here: WMX Europe Agenda
To register to attend the event follow this link: WMX Europe Registration
To earn more about Spectos’ Live Tracking solutions, take a look at Post&Parcel featured article, ‘How the Polar bear taught me about Trackers

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