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A place to call home – Spectos Asia

Hieu Hoang

Since 10 years Hoang Dieu Linh is a staff member from Spectos Asia office in Hanoi. She loves her job as a consultant, but also she loves clothes and shoes. For these, she has a special place.

Nguyen Ngoc Thuy works at Spectos Asia too. As a web designer she has good taste  – online and culinary as well.

Are you curious now? Then you have the possibility to get to know the Spectos team in Hanoi.

In addition to Hoang Dieu Linh and Nguyen Ngoc Thuy, the Spectos AsiaTeam consists of another 32 family members – because this is exactly what Spectos is for the employees: “a place to call home”.

Spectos Germany and the office in Hanoi work closely together for realization the services of Spectos in the best possible way. National as well as international.

Now enjoy the team with one click!

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A place to call home – Spectos Asia

Hieu Hoang


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