Online shopping has become a staple in our daily lives, with over half of consumers making at least one purchase per month, according to the Spectos E-Commerce Monitor. However, many shoppers are unaware of the logistics involved in delivering their purchases.
When will I receive my order?
For consumers, the last mile plays an important role in shipment and post tracking. Here they are informed whether the shipment is already within reach or how long the delivery will actually take. But before online shoppers get their delivery, their shipments go through a series of storage, shipping and transport processes.
Seamless business and logistics processes ensure prompt delivery to the end customer. It is beneficial for postal service operators in two aspects: Punctual delivery, ideally on the first delivery attempt, increases customer satisfaction and prevents additional costs by involved parties. Any disruption within the supply chain, such as transport delays or delivery cancellations, often results in adverse effects on subsequent processes and workflows. A transparent and flexible supply chain is therefore essential for every postal and parcel service provider to be able to react swiftly and effectively at any time.

Supply chain transparency and traceability of shipments along the entire supply chain, not just for the last mile, can be ensured with the use of appropriate technologies. There is a wide range of solutions available for the postal and logistics industries, from RFID systems and live trackers to smart IoT sensors and beyond. We have compiled a list of technologies used at various stages of the supply chain and the potential post tracking solutions that they offer:
RFID technology: transparency a step at a time

RFID gates read the tags attached to the shipments at predefined intersections and transfer points without the need for them to be in full line of sight. In this way, fully automated data acquisition can be achieved, providing accurate insights into delivery, handover, sorting and logistics processes.
Live tracker – comprehensive and global post tracking

Live trackers are a simple and cost-effective option for real-time supply chain tracking and end-to-end monitoring of complex and interlinked processes. For example, the credit card-sized and lightweight (42g) tracker from Spectos sends status updates along the entire supply chain, including indoors and metallic environments such as containers. There are also add-ons available to extend its battery autonomy up to 3 years or functionality with temperature tracking.
Supply chain data management using cockpits and dashboards
The full potential of data from RFID systems and live tracking can be best utilized through integrative software solutions. The data collected by live trackers and RFID gates is collated, visualized and analyzed in platforms such as the Spectos Real-Time Performance Management™ platform, enabling continuous supply chain and quality management. Read here the story, of how the German Mail Carrier Postcon (now: dvs Deutscher Versand Service) tracks letters via RFID and live trackers.
Smart Sensors
In addition to supply chain management, tracking devices are equipped with light sensors and other add-ons such as temperature and humidity sensors that are able to detect external interferences. Unauthorized access to shipments can be quickly identified and located with automated push notifications. Retailers and CEP service providers will then be able to act on it immediately. Improvement of last mile planning, such as route optimization for collection of letters and other items or for monitoring of collection and pick-up times, are also made possible with mailboxes attached with the smart sensors.
Which post tracking solution is most suited for my company?
The team at Spectos does not believe in “one size fits all”. Every company is unique and has different needs. Spectos therefore offers a variety of solutions to cater to the specifications of each company. Together we can explore which post tracking solution is best suited for your business. For postal and logistics service providers, we are not only able to support you with provision and implementation of RFID and live tracking technologies, but also with other services such as video coding and transit time measurement. Contact us to find out more!