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WIRmachenDRUCK is one of the leading online print shops in Europe with its two online shops and The company was founded in 2008. It started with 14 employees and only a small product assortment, and grew within 10 years to a global player and price market leader. With meanwhile more than 300 employees and an extraordinarily large product range of more than 4 million printing variants, WIRmachenDRUCK has won more than 500.000 business and private customers from 17 European countries.

Every day, the company fulfils thousands of individual printing requests, convincing its customers with excellent advisory services, modern high-tech machinery, favorable prices and fast deliveries. WIRmachenDRUCK is more than just an online print shop: The company is actively involved in numerous social projects. It is regularly conducting creative competitions for its online community and has even launched its own Holi Festival called “Farbenrausch”. FOCUS-MONEY rates the commitment of the ambitious company with the rating “Outstanding”. For the third time in a row WIRmachenDRUCK has been awarded the title “Best online printer”.

Shipment data without information value

In addition to the easy ordering processes, WIRmachenDRUCK convinces its customers with fast order handling. Speed is an integral part of the customer service promise of the online print shop. With just-in-time delivery and 24h overnight, the company is therefore dependent on a reliable delivery network. In the past, however, it was repeatedly discovered that the delivery quality of supply partners within Germany was not the same everywhere. Although the same service providers were used throughout Germany, there were significant differences in the delivery times for printed products in the individual federal states. This fact seemed to be connected with the different product groups of WIRmachenDRUCK. Although the company had a large amount of shipment information at its disposal, it could not interpret it efficiently. Therefore, the online print shop was looking for a solution with which the performance of the supply partners in the various regions of Germany could be transparently monitored in order to better control delivery quality and customer service.

Big Data becomes Smart Data

WIRmachenDRUCK chose to work with Spectos due to the extensive experience of Spectos in aggregating, analyzing and visualizing big data. In close coordination with the project management, a solution was developed which enables the detailed analysis of large amounts of data at the touch of a button. To realize this, WIRmachenDRUCK transmits large quantities of shipment data to Spectos weekly via an encrypted interface. The shipment data is made available for WIRmachenDRUCK in the form of graphics and reports in a customized E-Commerce Cockpit, a special variation of the Spectos Real-Time Performance Management Platform. Special filter options and dashboards enable the detailed analyses of factors such as region, delivery company, product group, location, period, delivery day and many more. In this way, WIRmachenDRUCK can flexibly get to the bottom of business-relevant issues and identify possible points of friction in the process chain. At the same time, the online company receives customized benchmarking comparisons and portfolio analyses at a glance and can even call up delivery histories from individual locations.

From daily performance reports to strategic delivery networks nationwide 

Since the development of the E-Commerce Cockpit, WIRmachenDRUCK has benefitted from transparency of the delivery quality of parcel service providers nationwide. The online print shop can see in which region a certain product group is delivered to the customer most reliably and quickly by a certain delivery service. With the knowledge gained, WIRmachenDRUCK can strategically align its supply network in the respective regions and for different product types. Furthermore, the company is in a position to conduct negotiations with service partners on the basis of facts and figures. Since the shipment process of goods deliveries can be traced precisely in the E-Commerce Cockpit, WIRmachenDRUCK can react to delayed deliveries with an individual and proactive complaint management for its customers. This gives the online print shop the valuable opportunity to positively influence the customer experience. With the E-Commerce Cockpit solution from Spectos, WIRmachenDRUCK optimizes its service quality in a sustainable way in order to further increase corporate success and customer satisfaction.


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