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Nhất Tín Logistics

Nhất Tín Logistics was founded in 2014 in Ho Chi Minh City and is known as one of the leading express delivery companies in Vietnam. The company has specialized in serving B2B customers that distribute high-value merchandise, such as FPT Retail, The Gioi Di Dong, Samsung, TCL, etc.

The name “Nhat Tin” expresses the founders’ desire from the very first days that the word “Tin” (meaning trust in English) is always at the forefront and is always the guiding principle when serving customers.

Currently, Nhất Tín Logistics is serving 63 provinces and cities nationwide with a network of 30 branches and nearly 400 post offices, covering more than 95% of district and commune levels. The number of employees has grown to more than 4,000 members and the vehicle fleet to more than 450 multi-tonnage vehicles. In the future, Nhất Tín Logistics will continue to expand its pickup and delivery network across Vietnam.

In mid-2017, Mekong Capital Fund, one of the most famous investment funds in Vietnam, invested in Nhất Tín Logistics.

Challenges of collecting customer satisfaction data and delegating tasks to employees

To collect information on customer satisfaction, Nhất Tín Logistics used traditional communication channels such as hotlines, call centers, or face-to-face meetings with customers at collection points. However, with the rapid growth of the number of orders, the company’s service management team found that the traditional methods were no longer effective, too passive and difficult to manage. Therefore, it was difficult to collect complete customer satisfaction data. In addition, data was gathered in many different sources and was not synchronized, making it difficult to consolidate. This lengthened the time it took to handle issues that arose with each order and to resolve customer complaints. 

Since the company has been growing exponentially and facing a range of challenges, Nhất Tín Logistics wished to find solutions for customer surveys and professional complaint management where data is automatically and continuously updated in a centralized platform, so managers can follow it quickly and easily.

Transparency on customer satisfaction and complaints handling with the Spectos Solutions

With the Customer Survey and Complaint Management solution, based on the Spectos Real Time Performance Management™(RTPM) platform, customers of Nhất Tín Logistics, including shippers and consignees, are proactively surveyed about service quality via SMS or calls by the Spectos-provided call center right after the completion of their order.

The number of customers surveyed per day for each post office and branch is calculated to ensure that the number of surveys represents the evaluation results and to ensure randomness and objectivity for each response.

Any complaints about the service are converted into tickets and assigned to the responsible people for processing in the respective branches and post offices. The issues are discussed internally to find out the exact cause, thereby handling customer complaints in the most thorough and fastest way possible.

Cockpit reports in the Spectos RTPM™ system display all service quality KPIs in summary form. Graphs showing the results by branch and in comparison with the same period help the Board of Management to have a quick overview of the service quality. Data can be filtered by collection channel, time, and satisfaction level and aggregated across the whole system or for each branch. Users can also instantly access detailed reports for any customer feedback with just one click.

Outcome: Better service quality and happy customers

The service quality of Nhất Tín Logistics has been improving day by day. The overall satisfaction index has increased significantly (~20%) compared to before. Based on regular customer surveys, Nhất Tín Logistics found many issues that need to be improved in internal operations for better service quality.

Complaints are resolved quickly, helping Nhất Tín Logistics’ customers feel better cared for and heard. This has increased loyalty and service reuse rates in all branches across the country.

In addition to the positive change in customer satisfaction, the Spectos customer experience solutions also support Nhất Tín Logistics in evaluating its internal quality performance based on the customer satisfaction indicators implemented by Spectos. This helps the company to develop sustainably and achieve its goal of becoming number 1 in service quality and customer trust for each and every shipment.

With its high service quality, Nhat Tin Logistics meet customers` expectations

High customer satisfaction with the delivery service of Nhat Tin Logistics

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