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Liechtenstein Post

About the Postal Service in Liechtenstein

Although Liechtensteinische Post AG is a young company, having been founded in 1999, it can look back on over 200 years of postal history in Liechtenstein. It has its origins in the first letter collection point, which was set up in 1817 in the southernmost municipality of the country. From here, the state postal service has continuously developed and reinvented itself time and again.

Today, the wide range of services offered by Liechtensteinische Post AG includes postal services, logistics, scanning and financial services. Additionally, the integration of Philately Liechtenstein, with its postage stamps that are valued worldwide, has also made the postal company a cultural ambassador for the whole world.

Excellent delivery quality in Liechtenstein – independent measurement of letter delivery times

Reliable and punctual letter delivery is a top priority in Liechtenstein. In addition to fast accessibility and personal service, the postal provider relies on efficient delivery times. The quality standards outlined in the Postal Act (PG) serve as a critical benchmark for evaluating performance.

To ensure compliance with these legal requirements, the Liechtenstein regulatory authority commissioned Spectos to independently measure letter delivery times. This end-to-end analysis provided an objective assessment of whether the set legal standards were being met.

Precise Measurement by a Qualified Test Panel

Spectos GmbH carried out the letter delivery time measurement on behalf of the Liechtenstein Office of Communications in order to validate the range of A-Post delivery services. For this purpose, a study participant panel consisting of private individuals and companies was set up. Various digital reporting channels, including an app and a web platform, ensured seamless tracking of delivery times.

Thanks to many years of experience in letter delivery time measurements for national postal organisations – such as Swiss Post and Belgian Post (bpost) – Spectos applied its proven methodologies to deliver reliable results.

Top Results in Global Comparison: Outstanding Delivery Quality at Post Liechtenstein

The results of the Spectos runtime measurement confirm the excellent delivery performance of Liechtensteinische Post AG. A delivery quality of 98.09% was recorded for A-Post letters in 2024. This means that most letters were delivered within one day, meaning the vast majority of letters were delivered within a single day. This significantly exceeded the legal requirement of 88%, positioning Liechtensteinische Post AG among the top-performing postal services worldwide.

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