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Klinikum Bad Salzungen

Klinikum Bad Salzungen is located in southern Thuringia, Germany – offers a multitude of specialty and complex services. The clinic has 422 beds and on a yearly basis sees up to 18 thousand in-patients. As a modern health care operator, they provide all-around care from a workforce of 750 staff and doctors.

Improved Healthcare QM at Klinikum Bad Salzungen with Digital Hospital Survey Format

The last time the clinic evaluated the satisfaction levels of its employees was in 2012. In that year and with another market research firm, the survey was carried out only in paper form.

When Spectos was approached to perform a brand new survey, the hospital asked for an online staff survey. The intent was to have a faster and clearer way to show results. Moreover, the clinic wanted the questionnaires to be either completed on office computers or in the privacy of staff members’ homes. Additionally to these requests from the hospital, Spectos was asked to create a feature in which the employee could put down the survey, save it and come back to it later.

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Instant Feedback Response

Spectos took the lead on this project and oversaw every step in the process. The creation of the questions for the survey was placed into the hands of Spectos, which took the initiative to cut down the questions from previous assessments. Its project management team helped in programming the online survey and created unique access codes for each employee taking part. These keys would allow any employee to only partake once. If concrete feedback requests arose within the scope of the employee survey, these could be noted separately following the survey. This brief feedback was passed on directly to the person responsible during the survey phase in order to enable immediate reaction and prompt contact. This gave the Klinikum the option of viewing and responding to feedback immediately.

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Benefits of Digital Employee Surveys

The Klinikum Bad Salzungen has entered new ground with this digital implementation, although the overall goals of the employee survey remain the same. The aim was to obtain feedback from as many employees as possible on topics such as management, communication, team, corporate and personnel development and working conditions.

An employee survey is to be understood as a diagnostic instrument in order to become aware of the positive while simultaneously be able to identify problems and initiate appropriate measures. The execution of this project gave the Klinikum new insights into the well being and satisfaction levels of its employees. The breakdown of various departments in the Klinikum allowed the organization a better view of how to create solutions for problems. With this new data, concrete fields of action for the optimization of employee relations were identified in the course of the evaluation.

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