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CET Vancouver

CET Vancouver is an English language school located in downtown Vancouver, Canada. The school offers its international students a broad range of services; the most popular being their English language lessons, IELTS classes and their highly popular work experience co-op program. The certified school’s repertoire includes over 1,500 classes of varying lengths and levels, ensuring every pupil finds the right fit for their specific needs & knowledge.

One Solution for All Data

CET Vancouver needed a time-saving Feedback Management Solution capable of compiling and storing varying data and documents to reduce the amount of tools and accounts the language school was juggling. The system therefore not only had to be able to collect student feedback, but also had to be compatible for use as an in-class testing solution, enabling the immediate evaluation of student test answers.

Feedbackstr gives CET Vancouver the Flexibility to Collect, Store and Evaluate

CET Vancouver’s system requirements were very specific, and Spectos Survey Service was able to offer them the flexibility they needed. The feedback management solution enabled CET Vancouver to collect, store, and evaluate of their various documents, tests, and student feedback in one place. In order to maintain the same paper exam format the school had already been using for years, the multiple and single choice test questions were implemented into a digital survey template. By providing the school with tablet compatible tests, the tests were able to be taken directly in class, eliminating the need for manual test result evaluation.

Feedbackstr Reduces Workload by 40%

Thanks to the addition of Feedbackstr’s time-saving solutions, CET Vancouver’s workload was reduced by 40%, giving them more time to focus on the actual lessons instead of lengthy paperwork. The student satisfaction with the school has improved, as well. The director of the school also uses Feedbackstr to view overall and individual studen results in a matter of seconds. Everyone at CET Vancouver profited from the survey management tool: teachers, students, and the director alike.

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