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AMEOS Group: Employee Surveys

With approx. 15,700 employees in 95 facilities at 51 locations, the AMEOS Group is among the leading healthcare providers in the DACH region. The company is strongly focused on the maintenance and further development of clinics and healthcare facilities. The AMEOS Group stands for strong healthcare, both in the region and in rural areas. From a medical and nursing point of view, the hospitals, clinics, care and integration facilities provide an important contribution to the well-being of the population. The AMEOS Group sums up its philosophy and its great responsibility with the slogan “We work for your health”. To this end, the hospital chain bundles important competencies within its group and beyond the region in order to set new standards in medicine and care.

Deficits in employee satisfaction surveys in AMEOS hospitals

Only happy employees can achieve great things day after day. For this reason, the AMEOS Group conducts broad-based employee surveys once a year to reflect the working atmosphere and the current mood of the staff. Previously, the company had used paper questionnaires for this purpose, which were laid out in the staff rooms. However, the daily work of hospital and nursing staff is strongly influenced by unforeseeable incidents which frequently interrupt employees in their actual activities. This high willingness to react also led to interruptions in the answering of the questionnaire during the employee surveys. Often then, a survey was forgotten and the feedback did not reach its goal. Due to the limited anonymity of this survey method, there were also concerns regarding the confidentiality of sensitive information. The existing challenges did not lead to meaningful results in the employee surveys.

The challenge of paper questionnaires: The cumbersome survey method is associated with low response rates while requiring high personnel, time and evaluation costs.

High flexibility and maximum convenience: How a multi-channel employee survey tool increases participation

To strengthen the trust of its employees and under consideration of existing conditions, the AMEOS Group turned again to Spectos to implement a solution for employee surveys, after patient satisfaction surveys had been successfully realized previously. In close coordination with the needs of the client, a specially tailored questionnaire was developed. In this complex survey, the employees were asked for their feedback on various aspects, such as their personal work situation, training opportunities, and satisfaction with their employer. In order to take the conditions in the individual wards into account, the questionnaire was designed in such a way that certain types of answers led to further specific questions. Additionally, employees were able to explain their views and suggestions for improvement in detail in existing comment fields.

With the introduction of digital multi-channel solution for satisfaction surveys, the AMEOS Group has implemented a flexible survey method in which the questionnaires can be called up easily and conveniently by employees via smartphone, tablet or PC. The provision of different communication channels enables the employee satisfaction survey to be called up independent of time and place, which optimally takes into account the individual habits of the respondents. In addition, the integrated start-stop function reduces the termination rate by allowing the survey to be interrupted at any time and resumed at a later point in time. Anonymous access keys ensure that employees can only send feedback once and that complete identity protection is ensured.

Detailed feedback reports at the touch of a button: Spectos Healthcare Cockpit

Sample view: Trends and analyses on employee satisfaction

All results from the satisfaction surveys are transferred and made available centrally in the Spectos Real-Time Performance ManagementTM Suite (RTPM). The normally very time-consuming analysis of completed questionnaires is no longer necessary. Instead, the Healthcare Cockpit provides in real time detailed graphics and reports for the entire AMEOS Group and for the individual hospitals, departments and wards. The web-based Healthcare Cockpit can be called up from any device, regardless of time or location. It has been customized to meet the specific requirements of the AMEOS Group. Predefined role concepts determine access to the information, resulting in different data retrieval and filtering options to those in charge. This ensures that the relevant information for respective areas of responsibility is available immediately and in an easy-to-use manner.

In the Healthcare Cockpit, at the touch of a button trends and developments for employee satisfaction can be called up in real-time and comparisons can be made across all wards and locations. In addition, the employees’ individual comments contain valuable information for their supervisors. Since the introduction of the innovative and multi-channel employee satisfaction surveys, the AMEOS Group has been able to achieve an even more targeted personnel management, in which managers can react in good time to the wishes, needs and suggestions of their employees.

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