Every postal item that arrives later than planned has a negative impact on delivery quality and customer satisfaction. After all, it makes a difference whether an invoice or a brochure with expiring special offers arrives on time. This costs money. Even worse than the costs are the loss of trust in service quality and the weakening of customer loyalty. So it’s no wonder that in this tense market situation, companies want to know exactly how well their items are being delivered by postal service operators. And that is exactly where the solution lies, in the quality of the delivery service.
How to measure the quality of postal delivery?
Spectos Postal & Logistics offers so-called transit time measurements for the objective evaluation of delivery quality, on a national and international scale. For this purpose, test shipments are fed into predefined starting points to gain insight into delivery performance and compliance with agreed service levels. Each step of this process, all the way to the delivery of the test items, can be easily monitored in the Postal & Logistics key performance indicators cockpits of the Spectos Real-Time Performance Managementâ„¢ platform (RTPM).

Logistics monitoring in a nutshell: An overview of the measurement and evaluation of delivery quality within the RTPM platform.
The basis for the transit time measurements is the distribution of the test items according to the household structure, e.g. according to household size and socio-biological factors such as age, marital status, etc.. In addition, a regional segmentation into agglomeration (area) – city – country takes place. In this way, negative trends can be identified and stopped in a targeted manner.
This detailed quality monitoring of postal delivery even allows comparisons of individual carriers and participating service providers down to individual households. In this way, the delivery quality of mail, catalogs, advertising flyers and other types of mail can be improved in a focused way.
High customer satisfaction with Spectos measurement systems for postal transit times
The objective of transit time measurements is not only to save costs for the supplier, but also to save time and costs for the customer. Ultimately, high-quality and reliable service strengthens the trust of customers and end users. It is this trust that turns customers into valuable brand ambassadors and loyal customers – a decisive competitive advantage in the postal market.
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