We proudly look back on 20 years of experience in the development of solutions for the continuous monitoring and improvement of service quality. During this time, Spectos has successfully established itself as an independent institute for data collection, data analysis, technology, digitalization & operations.
Meanwhile, we have continuously developed our product portfolio based on the experience gained in supporting leading companies with our data-driven service quality management solutions. A result is our unique cockpit and dashboard service. It enables users to increase the power of their data. Time-consuming evaluations of complex Excel sheets are replaced by automated data aggregation and analytics according to individual requirements and rules. Using the cockpits, success-relevant information and company-specific KPIs can be seen at a glance. At the same time, the dashboards allow detailed insights into individual key performance indicators, ensuring that no important development is missed.
Data analysis made easy with customized cockpits & dashboards
The visualization of real-time data in a central platform, the Spectos Real-Time Performance Management™ Suite, is of great value for existing Spectos solutions. For example, for transit time measurements for customers from the postal & logistics sector, the transit times of shipments as well as the delivery quality can be tracked in customer-specific dashboards. Furthermore, for our customer dialogue solution, the cockpit & dashboard service enables the evaluation of the current service level and allows targeted benchmarking of different locations, areas, departments, etc. at a glance.
A picture is worth a thousand words, right? We absolutely agree with that. Therefore, we would like to give you something even more expressive: a video of our Cockpit & Dashboard Service! Here we proudly present the result of two decades featuring exciting projects. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our customers who put their trust in us along this journey!
Would you like to learn more about the various possibilities of our cockpit & dashboard service? Get inspired by our customer projects from a wide range of industries: